Deliver Unparalleled Results and Elevate Your Practice - Partner with CollabGenius

Executive Search, Diversity and OD Consultants, HR and Talent Acquisition Professionals and Coaches; Rise Above the competition by partnering with CollabGenius, the Premier People Intelligence Collaboration and Team Building Platform Designed by Experts in Your Field for Experts!

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Four team members standing standing representing community unity

Achieve New Levels of Excellence and Business Growth with CollabGenius

CollabGenius is the preferred choice for those seeking to revolutionize their approach to recruiting, coaching, improving team dynamics and organizational effectiveness. Collaborating with us opens new avenues for elevating your services and delving value and positive change to your client organizations.

Our platform equips consultants with the assessment and insights needed to easily and efficiently identify top talent, gaps in teams, structure teams, coach individuals and teams.

With CollabGenius as your partner, you can innovate your practices and distinguish yourself by achieving remarkable client outcomes, and drive substantial revenue growth while ensuring unparalleled client satisfaction.

A good tool for us to have in our repertoire. Eerily accurate.
Personality is who you are; behavior is what
you do or what you would prefer to do.

Carloyn DeWitt

Business Strategy Advisor and Certified Executive Coach

Evolution of Assessments - Describes the Intellect, Behavior/Teamwork and Personality
What does TeamVue Offer?
  • Award-winning and bias-free Role-based assessments.
  • Ability to accurately and quickly pinpoint gaps on teams
  • Get the right people in the right seats fast
  • Evaluate people equally and quickly
  • Integrate new leaders and new team members seamlessly
  • Gain a sustainable way of building high-performance teams
  • Improve company performance & workplace satisfaction
  • Reduce risks; make choices with better and relevant information
ashley elliot profile image
"If you are looking to take the guesswork out of your searches, I would highly recommend this tool."

Ashley Elliot

Recruitment & Talent, Elliott Homes

elliot homes company logo
SVG for first step process, Ignite

set yourself and your team up for success

SVG for second step process, Collaboration

Identify and hire people who are connected and consistent

SVG for third step process, Optimize

Align individuals' Roles with the team's mission

How CollabGenius Increases
Individual and Team Impact
Set the team leaders up for success

CollabGenius is the solution to this problem by enabling you to assess potential leaders, and with the strategy, they need to assemble, lead and develop high-performing teams.

There are always high expectations for team leaders and those who hold senior positions in an organization.

Successful companies know how important it is to provide insights, clarity, and resources. Still, people are often promoted to leadership positions without the ability or toolset for their new jobs.

Improve coaching conversations & working relationships

CollabGenius provides leaders with personalized information for guiding and coaching individuals and teams to perform at their best. It helps team leaders and members to work better and understand each other, giving the team a competitive advantage.

Engage, develop & retain your people

CollabGenius connects individuals with their team, organization, and their development. Using the unique combination of team analytics, CollabGenius improves engagement and teamwork profoundly. Imagine these benefits in your company: CollabGenius provides a bias-free road toward a genuinely engaged and empowered organization from entry-level to leadership.

Why I Should Use CollabGenius's Platform
Side By Side Comparison
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Predictive Index
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Launch Year
Early 1940s
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Individual personality traits
Personality characteristics and cognitive ability
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How People Work to Overcome Obstacles and
Achieve Common Goals
Self-report questionnaires
Two-question format where you select adjectives from a list
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Be a Movie Star in 10 Movies; Choose the Roles You:
Most Want
Least Want
Others Would Select You For
Others Would NOT Select You For

Key Metrics
Patience; Dominance; Extraversion;  Formality
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Teamwork/Collaboration Role, Ability to Achieve Common Goals Under Stress and Unique Talents
Career guidance
Talent acquisition
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High-Performance Team Building, Recruiting, Bias-Free Qualifying/Screening, Selection, Avoiding Hiring Mistakes, OD, Coaching, Career Counselling and more
will martin profile image
"Employees in teams like these feel a greater sense of ownership and want to stick around."

Will Martin

COO, Cushion Employer Services

cushion company logo
Level Up Your Business with CollabGenius
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Hire the best person for the job, team, and organization in 80% less time.

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Why is a good Role fit important for my hiring?

A good Role fit ensures that the candidate's preference for serving team needs, strengths and behavioral tendencies align with the requirements and responsibilities of the position. Role and position alignment increases job satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Why does your Assessment take 45 Minutes?

Our assessment provides a comprehensive understanding of each candidate's teamwork preferences, strengths, and areas for development. The extra time allows for a more thorough analysis, resulting in more accurate and actionable insights.

What makes CollabGenius better than other assessments?

CollabGenius utilizes a Role-based approach focusing on behavior relevant to job performance. This allows for more precise matching of candidates to Roles and provides actionable insights for hiring and development decisions.

I already have my employees complete a personality test. What does CollabGenius add to this?

CollabGenius' Role-based assessment goes beyond personality assessments by providing Qualitative measures and an understanding of teamwork by focusing on team needs to determine how a person will ‘connect’ with others by observing what happens in a team. Personality tests provide Quantitative measures that focus on "parts” of a person and measure traits and attributes and infer what might happen on team.

Is the report user-friendly?

The CollabGenius report is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It presents key insights and recommendations in a user-friendly format and on the TeamVue platform.

What our Valued Clients Say

Marci has been instrumental in building our team. Before using CollabGenius we spent countless hours sifting through and interviewing applicants to find the best one. With CollabGenius, not only do we find the best candidates, but it saves us many hours of unnecessary interviews.

Lee Smith


The CollabGenius report is a great tool that can be used to mentor and get the best results out of your teammates. This is the first assessment I have taken that I felt depicted my strengths and weaknesses. If you enjoy and value teamwork this is the tool needed to take you and your team to the next level.

Latasha D. McCullar, CSM, CHIEF

Vice President Operations

"I hired Marci in the capacity of a Business Advisor & Executive Search Consultant. Marci's unique value prop is her understanding and use of CollabGenius assessment and Collaborative Team Structure a new formula for team building and executive search. We integrated CollabGenius for an executive search and recruited top candidates for a critical position on my leadership team. I would recommend Marci in a heartbeat!"

Dr. Andrew Meikle

CEO, The Fertility Partners

CollabGenius is an amazing tool for coaching and consulting that gives in-depth, objective insight into how people work on a team - what they're drawn to do and how they behave with others. I love using it for hiring and building a team and coaching individuals and managers.

Lynn Henderson


"I had the pleasure of working with and getting to know Marci since March 2013. Marci introduced me to CollabGenius and proved to me that it is an imperative step in building coherent teams and professional relationships in the workplace. Completing the CollabGenius exercise does take two important things: time and honesty; but the outcome of the exercise is absolutely phenomenal. I learned more about my skills, challenges, and work ethic by completing CollabGenius than I did in all my years of working to date."

Tania Sheridan

Director & Partnership Development

"Marci is an outstanding communicator who always puts the client first. Marci has been a tremendous help in acquiring great talent. She dedicates the time required to make your company a success. She is selfless in her pursuit to find the right person for your company. Marci and her program CollabGenius is truly about teamwork."

Dr. John F.K. Moore

Sr Systems Engineer Architect Principal

"Marci was the Recruitment Strategist, Sr. Recruiter, and Recruitment Team Lead, for the Elections Ontario Technology in the Polls (TiPS) project. I found her recruitment process highly efficient and effective because she leveraged technology. The process was seamless, and I hope Marci's practice is an example to other HR recruiters."

Wendy Quon

IT Project Manager

"We incorporated CollabGenius into our recruitment and team-building process about two years ago and have had tremendous success with it. It saves us time and money by identifying people who will be a good fit for our jobs, teams, and the company culture as a whole. It helps me attract the best talent - a diverse group of people who want to BE part of our team and work with others whose actions are consistent and in alignment with our mission and goals."

Ashley Elliott-Fleming

Recruitment & Talent

"Meeting Marci was a significant milestone in my career! Her superpower is in ensuring a win-win for both stakeholders. Her secret sauce is being able to go beyond what is discernable in interviews alone. With Marci and CollabGenius technology, I save time by being able to focus on the best candidates. I highly recommend this scientific and more modern way of building winning teams."

Yoli Chisholm


"CollabGenius has now become an integral part of my hiring process. I support and encourage anyone to hire the right person to use CollabGenius. I can no longer imagine hiring someone and hoping for the best – I want to know that I have already hired the best, and CollabGenius helps me do this time and time again! I highly recommend this product for both small and large businesses alike."

Mariela Gonzalez

Business Manager

"Marci takes the time to listen to her stakeholders, understands their needs and expectations, and then works tirelessly to ensure she exceeds them. She is a knowledgeable resource in her field and understands the Media and Telecom industry very well. She understands what is required to succeed in this field and what companies are looking for."

Sumeet Khanna

Vice President, Business Transformation & Strategic Initiatives

"I will never create another business without using this tool. Employees in teams like these feel a greater sense of ownership, and want to stick around. Just give it a try one time, one single time. That's all you need to do."

Will Martin

Chief Operations Officer, Cushion Employment Services

"CollabGenius to a company could be the same as IOS to your iPhone. It is an operating system that helps companies put the right people in the right seats on the bus and your off to achieve your goals. If your looking for ROI for your time & business, put your money on Marci. If you are ready to step up to the next level, Marci is your ticket. Marci helps companies operate at the highest level by bringing proven strategies and understanding of advanced high-performance teaming using CollabGenius technology."

Brit Blacklidge

President & CEO

"Marci is a very experienced professional in the recruitment and contingent staffing area and has impressed me with her knowledge and innovative tools for screening candidates to ensure the best fit for an organization. I would not hesitate to turn to Marci and her team for professional recruitments."

Rob Martini

Area Procurement Manager